Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Basic Chocolate Ganache

If you think that making chocolate ganache is just for the pros, well think again. It is not only easy and quick to make, it can be used in many desserts and stores very well.

For every 1 lb. of chocolate, you'll need 2 cups of Heavy Cream.
This will yield approx 3-4 cups of ganache.
Dark Chocolate works the best be it's usual strong flavor is cut by the cream. White chocolate can also be used. Shave or chop the chocolate when in block form, or use good quality chips.

1. In a heavy sauce pan, over medium heat, bring your heavy cream to a boil. Be sure it doesn't scorch on the bottom by frequently stirring and scraping the bottom of the pan with a heat proof spatula. What closely, because when it comes to a boil, it will "foam" quickly.

2. Remove from heat and stir in all of the chocolate, till completley melted. DO NOT over mix.

Now you have ganache! It can be refrigerated and used as frosting (as shown above), piped from a pastry bag, or scooped. If you'd like it to be in liquid form after it has firmed, simply heat in the microwave. To avoid burning, heat for small increments of time, stirring in between. Fill cookie cups, dip the tops of cupcakes and even glaze a whole cake with the chocolatey goodness!


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