
Sunday, December 04, 2011

Holiday Decorating

Typically, I'm the type of person who decorates Thanksgiving weekend. But with the unseasonably warm weather New England was having, I found it difficult to get into gear to decorate for Christmas. But I finally got my head in gear and started decorating yesterday.

I'm all for inexpensive decorations, especially those that make an appearance for only a few weeks each year. This year, I supplemented store bought decorations I already had with some that I put together myself.  Here's the first of a few Christmas Decorations and tips...

Plain garland can go a long way, and is relatively inexpensive.  I purchased 9 feet of plain garland for around $4 at Michael's.  In an apartment, 9 feet of garland can go a long way! So far, I've used it for my backdoor.  The sprigs (acorn and snow decorations) I purchased at Michael's as well, for just a couple dollars.  The bow I made myself, out of ribbon I bought in bulk.  Overall, this entire decoration cost me around $5!! Try spending that in a store for 2 feet of decorated garland...

So many people say to me, I could never make a bow... I was in the same boat a few years ago. Now, I can whip up a bow in many different shapes and sizes in minutes! The key is to learn what method works best for you. I started using everything I could - glue gun, wire - even a stapler! Have your children join in - their little fingers are great for pinching ribbon while you secure it. After a couple years of practice (yes, years because how often are you making a bow? I certainly wasn't making one everyday!), I can now whip up a decent looking bow with just ribbon and wire.  One thing I always look for is wired ribbon.  It makes it so much easier to get the ribbon to do what you want, and it keeps its form year after year, with just a little fluffing when it's first unpacked.

Show us some of your holiday decorations on our Facebook page - and share any tips and tricks you might have as well!


~ Glory :0)

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