
Sunday, December 04, 2011

Farmhouse Coffee Christmas Giveaway

Comment below and tell us about your favorite Christmas morning tradition and be automatically entered to win a pound of delicious Farmhouse blend coffee from Cumberland Farms & a reusable to-go cup!

And the Winner is...Joy Hicks!

Thank you all for sharing your Christmas morning traditions, we loved them all!

Good luck!

- The Six


  1. I think I am suppose to comment here and not on Facebook? lol Anyway, we love having donuts or something sweet on Christmas morning. It's the only day of the year.. where.. it's okay to have everything you love lol

    Thank you,
    cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot)com

  2. My family celebrates on Christmas Eve being in an Italian family. However, on Christmas morning we love to have a big breakfast and then talk to all the kids what gift was their favorite..then just relax all day. Sometimes go to the beach.. lol.. Gotta love Florida... The beach in December!

  3. my most treasured Christmas morning memory is the clues my parents would leave us to find the big presents. From scavenger hunts to a series of codes we had to break, they made the morning beyond tearing through gifts. The length at which my parents would go to to make our morning special was so amazing!

  4. Our favorite thing to do is have a warm breakfast of eggnog waffles and open up presents between taking bites of the waffles and having a hot cup of tea or apple cider.
    We watch each person open their gifts .

  5. Our tradition is not anything spectacular, but my kids love it just the same. A Christmas breakfast that (according to them) MUST include a yogurt parfait topped with red and green sprinkles!!

  6. My kids getting up in the morning in there new pjs.... Then we all have breakfast and open gifts....

    Crystal fisher

  7. This tradition goes way back to when I was a kid. Every Christmas morning my Mother would put a Candy Cane into an orange. She would place one for each of us at the Breakfast table. We would use the canes as straws. Now my Grandchildren enjoy this tradition every Christmas.` Melanie Henderson

  8. Starting a new tradition this year--brunch instead of a big dinner. Will mean lots of coffee! Can't wait.

  9. I love waking up early and watching my boys discovering all that Santa has left, opening presents, and just being together. Oh...of course, I love the delicious freshly brewed coffee, too! Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. Every Christmas Eve, we make four, 9 by 13 pans of cinnamon rolls from scratch that rise overnight on the counter and deliver them to three of our neighbors around 10pm. Christmas morning, our family looks through our Christmas stockings while our rolls bake. Then, we eat our yummy hot cinnamon rolls with coffee or egg nog before we open our Christmas presents. This has become a family tradition that we look forward to every year.

  11. As a mother of six I have always loved getting up before the kids and having a nice hot cup of coffee before the chaos begins!

  12. Fresh biscuits with bacon for breakfast, hot, fluffy, delicious! And coffee and sometimes home baked sweet rolls! We sit and admire the tree for a while, then open the presents, not many but personal. Later we have a special meal, and try to invite "strays", those people who have no one to go to, for the meal. Then play games and watch videos the rest of the day.

  13. We get the kids up, who are now grown, and open what was left in the Christmas stockings, as we open our presents on Christmas Eve and these are saved. Then we have a wonderful breakfast and then go to spend the day with my In-Laws. This year I plan to use one of your crock pot recipes to take to the family dinner! I love your site, and found it through my cousins the Chicago Foodie Sisters.

  14. Getting up n going to Starbucks in our jammies n getting coffee since they have to be open n working and then leaving a nice fat christmas tip.

  15. I love pretending to be asleep and my son "Waking me up" because Santa came last night!

  16. LOVE all of your traditions, thank you everyone!

    - The Six

  17. I LOVE CHRISTMAS & starting our own traditions. We have only been married a few years, and now have a miracle baby girl: Lilah Joy. On Christmas morning, we curl up on the couch 1st in our snuggly pj's, with our FANCY Christmas mugs of hot chocolate, and we read the Bible story. We thank God because His ultimate Gift makes it possible to live an incredible FREE life now! So everything else after that is just icing on the cake! We then sit at the tree, and my husband and I exchange gifts, but this year, Lilah is 1 and will participate. I then serve up Christmas special breakfast (this year, its cinnamon muffins with breakfast casserole), then we head over (in our pj's) for the day at his parents. All day in PJs, with the family, is the best ever! We go out Stocking shopping together before the holiday, with a $20 limit, and then come back and stuff one another's stockings. It was so much fun seeing how creative we can get with the price limit, and then we open them up at a different time, so it makes the stockings even more special. Who knows what else we will add to our traditions now that there is a little Cutie Pie in the house???

  18. I need the coffee in the morning after being up all nite being SANTA!! HAHA! Love my coffee on xmas morn!

    Colleen L

  19. Favorite Christmas Morning Tradition - We have a beautiful Nativity Set. When I was a kid, my mom and dad would hide the baby Jesus. We could not open a gift under the tree until He was found. The Christmas Story was read while we searched to find the BEST gift on Christmas morning before we could open the rest of the gifts!

  20. Getting up to a quite house and starting breakfast, then hearing the family wake up and see their eyes light up when the see there gifts under the tree. Then watching tv together and just being lazy all day.

  21. My favorite moment was always right before the kids got up putting the tree lights on and just waiting on them to come down and watch their little faces smile as they saw what "Santa" got them. Miss those days..

  22. I love your site and all that you post, although it is gonna make me fat if I make it all. LOL. Thanks for this opportunity and keep up the fantastic recipes and great creative ideas!!! Love it!!

  23. For some reason my first comment didn't show, so will type again.

    I loved getting up before the kids came down and turning on the tree lights and then waiting on them to come down the stairs with big smiles on their faces seeing what "Santa" had brought them. Sad those days are over but they do the same for their kids that is nice to know. Merry Christmas everyone.

  24. I love all of your creative ideas. My five year old and I love working with food and those are our favorite posts. As you may know, with a five year old this coffee would be the perfect "perk" to my day. LOL! Keep on keepin' on! <3

  25. We love buying each other new pjs and openinjg them so we can sleep in them christmas eve and wake up in our pjs :) this will be our first christmas home with all of the kids so I think we will probably just enjoy waking up to thecookie crumbs, empty glass of milk, and presents under the tree :)

  26. When I was younger, we would have to wait for everyone to get up (a bit difficult sometimes, since Mom was always up really late the night before wrapping presents & filling stockings). Then we would all open stockings together and down in the toe every year, we would find an orange. We'd usually eat the orange, then have breakfast, then gather around the tree waiting to open all the presents. Now that I'm married with my own kids, I've kept the orange-in-the-stocking tradition and we're working on making new ones. :)

  27. Christmas morning we all get, pile in the car and head out to any restaurant that is open. Sometimes with fresh snow on the ground and very few cars on the road, it truly is a Winter wonderland of peaceful quietness. We sit relax and visit with each other over coffee, tea, orange juice and breakfast. What a great way to start the day! (And the server always gets a healthy tip, of course) We pile back into the and head home to enjoy Christmas day and have another cup! : )
