
Saturday, December 07, 2013

Framed Silhouettes....Christmas Gift Money Saver!

I am determined to do mostly handmade gifts this year for Christmas.  Ambitious, I know....lets see how far I get but my intention sounds good doesn't it?  Every year I struggle to buy for the adults, after all we all have everything don't we?  For me, a thought out hand made or special token gift means so much more....and it means more to me to give.  Here's an adorable idea to gift to family members.  A framed silhouette of a child  is so adorable and has a vintage classic feel to it.  It's truly a timeless gift.

  • camera
  • black felt or construction paper and a piece of decorative fabric the size of your frame
  • frame
  • scissors
Here's How:
  1. Take a side shot photo of who you would like to silhouette, trying to get as much of a head shot as you can.  I did this while my daughter ate breakfast so I was able to get a still shot!
  2. Upload the picture to your computer and adjust the contrast to make sure you have a good outline of your subject.
  3. Print the photo in the size you'd like your silhouette.  Once it has been printed, cut out the outline and trace onto your paper or felt.
  4. Place the cut out silhouette onto the matted frame.  Secure with a strong piece of tape or you could use a glue gun.


  1. FABULOUS!!! I've already got a side shot and I'm going to get started on this RIGHT NOW! THANKS :D
