
Friday, October 11, 2013

Solutions for Party Spills!

Hopefully your house doesn't look like this after a party but with Halloween coming up and the holidays following soon after lots of us will be the host of some sort of party at one time or another.  Spilled drinks and mishaps just come with the territory of party hosting but here's some tips & tricks for easy cleanup!

Problem:  Greasy appetizer stain on your sofa (can be used for fabric or leather)
Solution:  Sprinkle cornstarch over stain and let sit for 15 minutes or overnight if stain is severe.  Brush off residual and wipe with a damp cloth

Problem:  Wax from a candle has spilled onto fabric.
Solution:  Get rid of dried wax debris with dull knife.  Get as much off as possible.  Place a thick paper towel or terry cloth over stain and place a warm iron over the cloth or towel.  Most of the wax should absorb onto the towel.  If there is still residual wax pour isopropyl alcohol over the stain and let sit for 30 minutes.  Scrub with a scrub brush and remove remainder of the stain.  Rinse fabric with warm water.

Problem: Spilled red wine on carpet
Solution:  White wine!  (Weird right?)  Blot the excess red wine out of carpet and pour white wine over stain.  Blot being careful not to rub, repeat.  Pour boiling water over stain and sprinkle salt, blot and repeat.  Finally use a hydrogen peroxide and soap solution to remove any remaining sight of the stain.

Problem:  Spilled coffee or tea
Solution:  Mix 1 teaspoon of vinegar with warm water and spray over stain.  Blot with a cloth until stain has lifted.


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