
Monday, September 09, 2013

Fall Wreath Ideas 2013

The one thing I have yet to do for my fall decor is the wreath for our front door. I have been looking for inspiration online and have found quite a few. Typically I try to make them, so I'm thinking that I'll take a trip to Michael's Crafts today {armed with my coupon! click here for your own} and see what I will end up with... Hopefully things will be on sale (fall items) because I'm sure they've already started to put up their Christmas collection!

Along with what I decide to use as my autumn decorations on the wreath,
I will need:
Florist Wire
Florist Tape
Hot Glue Gun, and glue sticks

The two style wreaths that can be bought to go underneath are the vine wreath & the compressed hay wreath, shown here:

As for my inspirations, I've got some thinking to do {with all these beautiful wreaths}...

I am thinking that all I will need for this one above is the compressed straw wreath for the base, and the rest I can find in our woods out back!
...And this one too- although, I would use the vine wreath as my base...I love the look of it against the lime green door.
This one by far is the most unique & fun idea of the bunch!


1 comment:

  1. Great ideas! I love the Indian corn wreath, so I think I'll try that one!
