
Friday, March 23, 2012

How to Kill Mold Naturally

You will be amazed with the benefits of the main ingredient in this mold fighter...tea tree oil.  Not only is this essential oil effective in killing mold but it has many other benefits as well.  Tea tree is truly a wonder oil due to its disinfectant properties as well as it's healing properties.  For more information on tea tree check out!  

How to mix:

Mix 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil per 1 cup of water.  Spray onto the surface with mold and allow to dry, do not rinse.  This will kill the mold spores without creating harsh chemical fumes as other cleaners, such as bleach, would.

There are many places you can buy tea tree oil such as your local vitamin & nutrition store or you can find it online at sites such as  It is around $6.00 - $10.00 depending on where you buy which seems like a lot for such a small bottle but a little goes a long you get other added benefits of this magical oil!



  1. Is there any type of surface this should NOT be used on?

  2. It can be used on any surface but it's always best to do a patch test just to be sure :)

  3. Thanks for this! I found it via Pinterest, and so glad I did! Our kids use vaporizers in their rooms at night to keep them from coughing when they have a cold, and the moisture in the room has created mold on our windows!

    After you spray, then what? I know you said not to rinse it, but do you wipe it off after it dries? Or wipe it before it dries?


    1. You can wipe the surface after it dries if desired. The key point is to not wipe it while it is still wet. Hope this helps!
