
Thursday, April 01, 2010

Meet the Six

I'm Maddie, the matriarch of this six. With that said – I have been told I look younger than Lucy! My two kids amaze me everyday (good and not so good sometimes)…I just don’t think I was that smart or clever at their ages. My husband and I have been (happily – why stay married if you’re not, life is toooooo short!) married for over 16 years. Life to me is about being happy, making people happy and having fun. People who have a million excuses of why they haven’t done something drive me crazy! We could all be dead tomorrow is my motto – which is probably why I have the expenses that I do!! I am the middle child – older brother, younger brother – which makes me the peace maker, gotta make sure everyone is happy and plays nice! Lucky for me I am surrounded by these 5 girlies that definitely make up for me not having a sister!
Hi, my name is Lucy and I love to drink wine. Now, for some that would be enough already to either love me or hate me but really, I do have more to me than that. I am one of the younger cousins of this group, why do I have 3 flies in my wine right now? Anyway, so I am one of the younger ones I guess you could say…I am 30. I have a beautiful little girl who is 3 and totally nuts and a wonderful husband who at times thinks I’m totally nuts (guess it’s a girl thing). I don’t know why but he thinks I go crazy with my food saver. I mean, who doesn’t think that the food saver was the greatest invention in the world? So that’s another thing, I like to freeze things – well, no, I don’t like to waste things so I freeze them. OK I guess I am a little crazy, but it makes me happy so phooo! I stay home with my little girl and for the most part we have a great time. I love staying home with her even though it is the hardest job I have ever done (hence loving to drink wine, we all need a release). I mean, ya, its totally rewarding and she cracks me up and I love being with her but man, kids are just totally annoying at times. But hey, comes with the territory. I have a great supportive family, 2 brothers, a mom and a dad (who are still married) and 5 great cousins who are like sisters to me. But thank god I don’t actually have sisters because I think I would go nuts. I love to bake and cook, everyone says its good, and I believe them (they can keep lying if they want to). I sort of enjoy exercising; it’s like the necessary evil for me now. I do a lot of walking because its sort of my quiet time, you know, put the baby in the carriage and go = nite nite baby. So it’s sort of turned into something enjoyable for both of us, which is a good thing. I love to keep busy, I hate to dust and I just want to live a happy, healthy life with my family. Guess that sort of sums it up for me….unless my cronies have something to add.

Hi, my name is Gigi, Glory's older sister, and the second eldest of the cousins. Unlike Maddie who has been told she looks younger than Lucy, I have been told that I look older than Maddie ...yeah, I wasn't very happy at that moment hahaha! But I have to admit we ALL come from a great gene pool! I am a full-time working mom but am only in the office 3 days a week. I can honestly say that I love my career but am grateful to be able to spend more time at home with my adorable 2 year old who I live each day for. I enjoy drinking beer, listening to music and just relaxing with some good friends and family. Can't really ask for anything more than that. I consider myself to be pretty laid back and organized. Clutter and I are NOT friends ... if it hasn't been used in a while then in the trash it goes. Well, the exception would be clothes. Life is indeed good, so live it!

I'm M.L.E., a Thirty-Two year old stay at home mom of two, one boy and one girl both under the age of 5. My husband and I have been married for eight years and he is my equal in life and love. We started dating in 1997 and partied our way into adulthood together creating a great bond that I am very proud of. My parents have always shown me how life should be: doing what you love, caring for your family and going with the flow but not going overboard.
   Along with Sizza I've got two great younger brothers ((of course me being the oldest)). She is more than a best friend to me and I would be a different person without her as my sister. In some situations these girls refer to me as 'Mother Hen'. It came to be my nick-name through the years because of my mature sensibility , wisdom, and caring guidance that I so lovingly provide to the Other Five. Really. Well - it could also have something to do with my yelling or "SHUSH-ing" of people to quiet down... or that it was because of I  that we had to search a whole island for a breastpump...but I'm not going to get into all of that. Most likely the explanation is a little of both. I live a pretty simple life that is made up of crazy days. I have two dogs that drive me absolutely crazy and thanks to Lucy, my son now also has a fish tank. I de-stress with an ice cold beer or the smell of my daughter's hair. I enjoy good food, good drinks and good people. That is why I love spending time with these  five ladies.

Hey there, I'm Glory, Gigi's younger sister.  I'm the single one of the group - the one that everyone else lives vicariously through (right, ladies??) I love being single, I'm not one of those chicks that is afraid of ending up alone - because I'm not alone! I have my family, who are the BEST, and an awesome group of friends. And let's not forget my one true love - my kitty!  I live my life one day at a time, enjoying each moment as it happens. That's not to say I haven't had a bad day here and there. Heck, I've had so many bad DATES that I could write an entire novel! Some people have called me a serial dater (I'm trying to change that, I swear) but really, I just enjoy a good conversation and a good drink with new people. That doesn't make me serial, right? Plus, I'm willing to give people a shot, including dates. I don't have a "type" (just ask Gigi!) and can make a good time out of almost any situation, no matter how awkward or boring. Of course, a drink or two of the adult type can't hurt an awkward or boring situation.

Other than that, I'm also an avid reader. I enjoy a wide variety of books, from Nicholas Sparks' romantic novels to James Patterson crime to Stephen King horror to all kinds of fantasy novels. I love reading books that get great reviews from friends and family - so if you have any suggestions, send it along! And keep an eye out for my book review blogs. I recently started crocheting, which I've come to love! After a long day of work, there's nothing quite like sitting down with a glass of wine, my crochet hook and some yarn - its extremely relaxing and a great way to unwind from the day.

Well, time for me to get back to work, unfortunately. Hope you enjoyed my little bio!


Hi, I'm Sizza and I'm M.L.E's little sister. She would describe me as melodramatic, but I like to think I'm laid back. I was born 3rd out of 4 siblings, and I am a family person. I went to college 2 hours away and drove home every weekend. Sort of a homebody - but who could blame me? My best friend is my sister and I am very close to my two brothers. I love cooking, the sun, coffee, rugs, throw pillows, relaxing, and hanging out with the Six.
I recently bought and completely renovated my first home with a guy I met on an island during a girl's weekend with the rest of The Six. We married in July and are hoping to start a family soon. I'd love to get pregnant in the next year or so, but I have plenty of Sixers telling me to enjoy married life and wait a little longer!

I got the cousins' hooked on blogging one girl's night while having a normal conversation and realizing we've got to share our fun with the online world.

For fun, I design stationery, and love to cook.

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